If you enter a database, it will be selected when the connection to the server is established. On the server, configure MySQL by editing /etc/my.cnf and comment or remove skip-networking from the section. My SSH connection gives the error: SSH port forwarding failed and MySQL said: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0 I'm having trouble connecting to a MySQL 4 or MySQL 5 database on localhost with a MAMP install. See Where are MySQL's Files? for the socket file location of common installations. The socket depends on how you installed MySQL on your computer. It says: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) I am having trouble connecting to a database. If you don't have access to a MySQL server, perhaps you could try installing MySQL on your Mac. Select the “Close Batch” option in the top right to close the batch.When you open Sequel Pro, the first screen that you will see is the database connection window. Select the Current Batch button from the menu. Ensure that the BroadPOS payment application is running in the background. Ensure that the terminal is connected to Wi-Fi or is connected to data using cellular SIM card. Ensure that the terminal is powered on. Insert the card used in the original transaction or key in the card details. Select the amount you would like to refund. Tap on the transaction you would like to refund. In the SwipeSimple app, select the side menu button from the upper left corner and select the “Transaction History” option. The card must be present or card details available to key for refunds. Select the “Void” button to void the transaction. Select the sale transaction to be voided. A list of all transactions conducted on the terminal shows up. Select the “Transaction History” option. In the SwipeSimple app, select the side menu button from the upper left corner. SwipeSimple now shows the “APPROVED” screen with options to print/email/text receipt, or a “DECLINE” message. The app now shows a “PROCESSING” screen upon successful charge, the user is prompted to “REMOVE CARD.” Swipe/Tap/Dip card on the PAX A920 hardware terminal. After you have finalized adding items, select “Cart” on the touchscreen of the PAX A920 hardware terminal and review your cart. Add a regular item to your cart by selecting it from the “Items” list on the touchscreen of the PAX A920 terminal. SEQUEL PRO TERMINAL PRINT PLUS
Add a Quick Item to your cart by selecting Quick Item and keying in a dollar amount on the touch screen and selecting the plus button on the bottom left. Select the item using the touchscreen of the PAX A920 hardware terminal device to add it to your cart. Select “Items” from the center of the screen display to view items from your Item Catalog. After logging in, you will see the New Charge screen. On the touchscreen of the PAX A920 hardware terminal, select the “SwipeSimple” icon. Enter the Email ID associated with your SwipeSimple merchant account and the permanent password. On the terminal device home screen, select the SwipeSimple icon. SEQUEL PRO TERMINAL PRINT PASSWORD
Upon changing password to a permanent password, you will be redirected to the New Charge screen. The SwipeSimple app will now prompt you to reset your password.Enter the email address associated with your SwipeSimple merchant account and the temporary password provided to you in the SwipeSimple welcome email sent to your email address. On the terminal device home screen, select the “SwipeSimple” icon.Enable the BroadPOS payment application to run in the background by selecting the circle icon at the bottom of the screen.On selecting the application, the home screen of the application shows up.Select the BroadPOS payment application.Upon successful authentication, the terminal is connected to the Wi-Fi network.Enter your Wi-Fi password and select “CONNECT”.Select one of the networks that you have access to. A list of available Wi-Fi networks will appear.
You will be directed to the Android settings screen.Depending on the device firmware version, enter either 9876 or as the password and select “OK”. From the PAX A920 terminal home screen, select the “Settings” icon.On successful startup, the Android home screen will appear. Push the “Power” button and hold for 2 to 4 seconds.This is the power button for the terminal.
Facing the terminal’s screen, look for the power symbol on the right side of the terminal.Logging into SwipeSimple after Setting a Permanent Password Select & run the BroadPOS payment application